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Prof. Wei-Yen Wang - Research Projects

Personal Profile | Journal Papers | Conference Papers | Research Projects | Patents |

NSTC/MOST Research Projects

  1. (2023/08/01-2024/07/31) Cognitive Psychology and Deep Learning-Based Cognitive Learning Robot and Its Industrial Application (NSTC 112-2221-E-003-010)
  2. (2022/11/01-2023/10/31) Pervasive AI Services: Developing Intelligent Agents to Drive Digital Transformations (II) (MOST 111-2634-FA49-013)
  3. (2022/08/01-2023/07/31) Development of Learning from Human Demonstration Robot Based on Real-time Learning and Few-Shot Data (MOST 111-2221-E-003-025)
  4. (2021/11/01-2022/10/31) Pervasive AI Services: Developing Intelligent Agents to Drive Digital Transformations (1/2) (MOST 110-2634-F-A49-004)
  5. (2021/08/01-2022/10/31) Integration of Tracked Vehicle System with Robotic Arm and Cognitive Strategy of Object Moving (MOST 110-2221-E-003-019)
  6. (2021/01/01-2021/12/31) Development of Learning from Human Demonstration Robot (4/4) (MOST 110-2634-F-003-006)
  7. (2021/01/01-2021/12/31) Development of Learning from Human Demonstration (LfD) Robotic Systems with Navigation Capability Based on Human Action Recognition (4/4) (MOST 110-2634-F003-007)
  8. (2020/08/01-2022/07/31) Development of the Dual-Arm Robot with Meta-Learning for Tool Manipulation in the ROS-Based Framework (MOST 109-2221-E003-012-MY2)
  9. (2020/01/01-2020/12/31) Development of Learning from Human Demonstration Robot (3/4) (MOST 109-2634-F-003-006)
  10. (2020/01/01-2020/12/31) Development of Learning from Human Demonstration (LfD) Robotic Systems with Navigation Capability Based on Human Action Recognition (3/4) (MOST 109-2634-F003-007)
  11. (2019/01/01-2019/12/31) Development of Theory and Systems of Robot Learning from Human Demonstration (LfD)-Development of Learning from Human Demonstration Robot (2/4) (MOST 108-2634-F-003-003)
  12. (2019/01/01-2019/12/31) Development of Theory and Systems of Robot Learning from Human Demonstration (LfD)-Human Action and Face Expression Analysis System Based on 3-D Images (2/4) (MOST 108-2634-F-003-002)
  13. (2018/01/01-2018/12/31) Development of Theory and Systems of Robot Learning from Human Demonstration (LfD)-Development of Learning from Human Demonstration Robot (1/4) (MOST 107-2634-F-003-001)
  14. (2018/01/01-2018/12/31) Development of Theory and Systems of Robot Learning from Human Demonstration (LfD)-Human Action and Face Expression Analysis System Based on 3-D Images (1/4) (MOST 107-2634-F-003-002)
  15. (2017/08/01-2019/07/31) Recognizing Chinese Characters and Drawing Chinese Calligraphy System Using a Vision-Based Serial-Parallel Robotic Arm (MOST 106-2221-E-003-008-MY2)
  16. (2016/08/01-2017/07/31) Integration of Auxiliary Mobile Systems and Big Data Analysis Techniques for Non-Disabled Patients with Mild and Moderate Alzheimer's Decease (MOST 105-2221-E-003-026)
  17. (2015/08/01-2016/07/31) Decision-Making and Control of Group Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems with Time-Delay (III) (MOST 104-2221-E-003-024)
  18. (2014/08/01-2015/07/31) Decision-Making and Control of Group Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems with Time-Delay (II) (MOST 103-2221-E-003-026)
  19. (2013/08/01-2014/07/31) Decision-Making and Control of Group Autonomous Mobile Robot Systems with Time-Delay (NSC 102-2221-E-003-009)
  20. (2012/08/01-2013/07/31) Distributed Systems of Group Patrol Robots Based on Petri Nets Theory (III) (NSC 101-2221-E-003-015)
  21. (2012/08/01-2013/07/31) Design and Development of the Master Platform and the Data Collection Network for Dammed Lake Monitoring Systems (III) (NSC 99-2625-M-003-006-MY3)
  22. (2011/08/01-2013/07/31) Night-Vision-Based Group Autonomous Robots for Patrolling the Campus (II) (NSC 100-2221-E-003-008)
  23. (2011/08/01-2012/07/31) Distributed Systems of Group Patrol Robots Based on Petri Nets Theory (II) (NSC 100-2221-E-003-007)
  24. (2011/08/01-2012/07/31) Design and Development of the Master Platform and the Data Collection Network for Dammed Lake Monitoring Systems (II) (NSC 99-2625-M-003-006-MY3)
  25. (2010/08/01-2013/07/31) Distributed Systems of Group Patrol Robots Based on Petri Nets Theory (NSC 99-2221-E-003-023)
  26. (2010/08/01-2013/07/31) Development of a Platform for Assessing and Predicting 4-6 Years-Old Children Emotional Competency and Evaluation of Its Effectiveness (NSC 99-2511-S-133-008)
  27. (2010/08/01-2013/07/31) Night-Vision-Based Group Autonomous Robots for Patrolling the Campus (NSC 99-2221-E-003-022)
  28. (2010/08/01-2011/07/31) Design and Development of the Master Platform and the Data Collection Network for Dammed Lake Monitoring Systems (NSC 99-2625-M-003-006-MY3)
  29. (2009/08/01-2010/07/31) A CCD Camera-Based Nighttime Vehicle Detection System Using Electro-Optical Signal Measuring Methods (NSC 97-2628-E-003-002-MY2)
  30. (2008/08/01-2009/07/31) A CCD Camera-Based Nighttime Vehicle Detection System Using Electro-Optical Signal Measuring Methods (NSC 97-2628-E-003-002-MY2)
  31. (2008/02/01-2011/01/31) “Ecology-City---Network Platform for Lifestyle of Healthy and Sustainability (2/3) (NSC 98-2218-E-009-007)
  32. (2007/08/01-2010/07/31) A CCD Camera-Based Nighttime Vehicle Detection System Using Electro-Optical Signal Measuring Methods (I) (NSC 96-2221-E-003-019)
  33. (2006/10/01-2006/11/30) Advanced Robots Technical Visit Project (NSC 95-2217-E-030-001)
  34. (2005/08/01-2007/07/31) Intelligent Control for Anti-Lock Braking Systems to Track Dynamic Optimal Slip Ratio (2/2) (NSC 95-2221-E-030-011)
  35. (2005/08/01-2007/07/31) Intelligent Control for Anti-Lock Braking Systems to Track Dynamic Optimal Slip Ratio (1/2) (NSC 94-2213-E-030-011)
  36. (2004/08/01-2007/12/31) Power Line Communication Network Systems for Digital Homes (3/3) (NSC 95-2745-E-030-002-URD)
  37. (2004/08/01-2007/07/31) Power Line Communication Network Systems for Digital Homes (2/3) (NSC 94-2745-E-030-002-URD)
  38. (2004/08/01-2007/07/31) Power Line Communication Network Systems for Digital Homes (1/3) (NSC 93-2745-E-030-002-URD)
  39. (2004/08/01-2007/07/31) Intelligent Control for Anti-Lock Braking Systems to Track Dynamic Optimal Slip Ratio (I) (NSC 93-2218-E-030-001)
  40. (2004/08/01-2007/07/31) A Study of Intelligent Control and Information Processing Technology for Fuel Cell System (I) (NSC 93-2218-E-030-003)
  41. (2004/08/01-2005/07/31) Design of Optimal Controllers for Uncertain Interval Systems via an Evolutionary Approach (NSC 93-2213-E-129-006)
  42. (2003/08/01-2005/07/31) Evolutionary Approaches to the Design of Optimal Controllers for Interval Plants Based on Parallel Computation (NSC 92-2213-E-129-008)
  43. (2002/12/01-2003/11/30) Design and Implementation of DSP-Based General-Type Controllers Using On-line Genetic Algorthms and Direct Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Structures (NSC 91-2622-E-030-004-CC3)
  44. (2002/08/01-2004/07/31) On-Line Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy-Neural Network and Its Applications in Nonlinear System Identification and Control (2/2) (NSC 92-2213-E-030-001)
  45. (2002/08/01-2004/07/31) On-Line Genetic Algorithm for Fuzzy-Neural Network and Its Applications in Nonlinear System Identification and Control (1/2) (NSC 91-2213-E-030-002)
  46. (2001/08/01-2002/07/31) Intelligent ABS Controller Design via Sliding Mode Control (NSC 90-2213-E-030-009)
  47. (2001/08/01-2002/07/31) Adptive Fuzzy Observer and Controller for H-Infinity Tracking Performance in a Class of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (NSC 90-2213-E-030-010)
  48. (2000/08/01-2001/07/31) Function Approximation Using Fuzzy-Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm (NSC 89-2218-E-030-005)
  49. (2000/08/01-2001/07/31) Design of Adaptive Fuzzy Controllers for Strict Output Feedback Nonlinear Systems (NSC 89-2218-E-030-004)
  50. (1999/08/01-2000/07/31) Studies of Approximate Z Transform for Robust Stability Analysis of Sampled-data Control Systems (NSC 89-2213-E-031-008)
  51. (1999/08/01-2000/07/31) Design of Robust Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Controllers for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems (NSC 89-2213-E-031-007)
  52. (1997/08/01-1998/07/31) Studies of DSP-Based Real-Time Fuzzy Neural Networks (NSC 87-2213-E-129-003)
  53. (1996/08/01-1997/07/31) Study of On-Line Tuning and Robust Learning of Adaptive Fuzzy-Neural Controller (NSC 86-2213-E-129-004)

Industry-University Cooperative Research Project

  1. (2021/01/01-2021/12/31)。基於感測融合技術開發可適應軌跡及追蹤變化之無人搬運車導航控制系統。財團法人嚴慶齡工業發展基金會。共同主持人。
  2. (2020/04/13-2021/06/30)。應用於室內之自主式信號採集移動機器人技術開發。訊崴技術有限公司。共同主持人。
  3. (2020/10/01-2021/09/30)。光學量測獨立可聯結平台。惠亞工程股份有限公司。主持人。
  4. (2020/05/01-2020/12/31)。自動駕駛巴士感測訓練資料庫建置。臺灣智慧駕駛股份有限公司。技術顧問。
  5. (2020/02/15-2020/12/15)。基於時序性特徵學習之道路交通事件預測與分析。財團法人資策會。技術顧問。
  6. (2019/12/26-2021/12/25)。測繪暨自駕系統。勤崴國際科技股份有限公司(簽訂MOU)。簽約人。
  7. (2019/09/02-2020/04/01)。Lumens人形追蹤演算法。捷揚光電股份有限公司。技術顧問。
  8. (2019/05/14-2019/12/30)。智慧型無人搬運車優化導航與建圖功能計畫。財團法人資策會。共同主持人。
  9. (2019/05/01-2019/11/30)。機械手臂氣-電夾爪快換展示計畫。臺灣氣立股份有限公司。技術顧問。
  10. (2019/04/20-2019/12/20)。多重感測融合定位實驗委託案。工業技術研究院。技術顧問。
  11. (2018/12/15-2019/12/14)。人臉辨識晶片之軟體平台開發。盛群半導體股份有限公司。共同主持人。
  12. (2018/11/06-2019/01/05)。基於ROS之機器人自主導航系統之研究。亞太智能機器有限公司(技轉)。主持人。
  13. (2018/05/01-2018/12/30)。跨系統體系產品雛型驗證。財團法人資策會。技術顧問。
  14. (2017/12/15-2018/04/30)。智慧無人搬運車創新服務系統-聯網電控模組整合開發。智匯通股份有限公司/祥儀企業股份有限公司。共同主持人。
  15. (2017/04/01-2018/05/31)。Traffic Flow Management System, project with Formosa Technologies Corporation
  16. (2015/01/01-2017/12/31)。Navigation System Design and Implementation for Low-Cost Mobile Robots


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Research Achievement (HOT)

NTNU Calendar
January 2024
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* 1: Founding Day of the Republic of China
* 8-11: Stage 1 course selection
* 22-24: Stage 2 course selection


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