QR Code (CIR Lab Website)

Records of Competitions

* Students supervised by Profs. Wei-Yen Wang and Chen-Chien Hsu participated and received 2nd Place Award in the 2019 CTCI AI Competition. (Sept. 21, 2019)

* Students supervised by Profs. Wei-Yen Wang and Chen-Chien Hsu participated and received honorable mention in the 2018 National System Design Contest for Microcomputer Applications. (Dec. 28, 2018)

* Students supervised by Profs. Wei-Yen Wang and Chen-Chien Hsu won Award for Best Look and Styling in the 2018 SKS Robot Competition. (Sept. 1, 2018)

* Students supervised by Profs. Wei-Yen Wang and Chen-Chien Hsu received honorary mention in Competition for Indoor 3D Depth Mapping Based on Deep Learning and 2D Imagery of the 31st IPPR Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing. (Aug. 20, 2018)

* Awards in the 2018 FIRA RobotWorld Cup: Third place for the Weight Lifting (Aug. 6-11, 2018)
* Prof. Wei-Yen Wang commended for Award of Excellence in Industry-University Collaboration by the President of National Taiwan Normal University. (June 1, 2018)

Research Achievement (HOT) |
NTNU Calendar |
January 2024 |
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* 1: Founding Day of the Republic of China
* 8-11: Stage 1 course selection
* 22-24: Stage 2 course selection |