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姓名: Wei-Yen Wang; (王偉彥) Ph. D., IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow, CACS Fellow, RST Fellow
科技與工程學院大樓 402室


  1. 博士: 國立臺灣技術學院(現國立台灣科技大學)電機工程系
  2. 碩士: 國立臺灣技術學院(現國立台灣科技大學)電機工程系
  3. 國立臺北工專(現國立台北科技大學)電機工程科

Research Interests

       Intelligent systems, neural networks, fuzzy systems and their applications, digital control systems, sensering systems, DSP-based control systems,
       computer-aided control systems design, robust control systems, computer graphics.

Work Experience


  1. 國立臺灣師範大學電機工程學系教授


  1. 2014.1-2016.12, 科技部控制學門複審委員
  2. 第四屆中華民國系統學會理事長
  3. 2011.8-2013.2, 國立臺灣師範大學資訊中心主任
  4. 2007.8-2013.7, 國立臺灣師範大學應用電子科技學系教授
  5. 2006.1-2008.12, 國科會控制學門複審委員
  6. 2006.8-2007.7, 國立臺北科技大學自動化科技研究所教授
  7. 2006.8-2007.7, 國立臺北科技大學電算中心主任
  8. 2004.8-2007.7, 輔仁大學電子工程學系教授
  9. 2000-2004.7, 輔仁大學電子工程學系副教授
  10. 2003-present, 專利代理人:台代字第O七四七八號
  11. 1990-2006, 經濟部智慧財產局電子電機類專利外審委員
  12. 1998-2000, 東吳大學商用數學系副教授
  13. 1994-1998, 新埔工專電子工程科副教授
  14. 1988-1991, System/Software Engineer (part-time), ERSO of Industrial Technology Research Institute. (工研院電子所)

Academic Service

Editorial Board for International Journals

  1. Editor-in-Chief for International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS) (SCI) (2021-2023)
  2. Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics-Part B (SCI)
  3. Associate Editor for IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (SCI) (2009)
  4. A Member of Editorial Board of Soft Computing (SCI) (2006-2008)
  5. Managing Editor for International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (SCI)
  6. Associate Editor for International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (SCI)
  7. Editorial Board of The Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal
  8. Area Editor of International Journal of Intelligent Systems Science and Technology
  9. Editorial Board of Turkish Journal of Fuzzy Systems (TJFS)

Paper Reviewer for

  1. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
  2. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
  3. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
  4. Automatica (IFAC)
  5. ASME Journal of dynamic systems, measurement and control
  6. International Journal of Systems Science
  7. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers

Membership of Professional Associations

  1. Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Chinese Automatic Control Society (CACS), Robotics Soceity of Taiwan (RST)
  2. Member, Chinese Fuzzy System Association, Taiwan Association of System Science and Engineering (TASSE)


  1. 2017, IJFS Best Paper Award
  2. 2016, 中華民國模糊學會傑出貢獻獎
  3. 2016, IEEE SMC 分會的最佳副編輯獎 (Best Associate Editor Award)
  4. 2013-2015, 國立臺灣師範大學研究講座教授
  5. 2012, 國立臺灣師範大學特聘教授
  6. 2010, 中華民國系統學會學術傑出貢獻獎
  7. 2005, The Best Paper Award, 2005 Symposium on Logistics and Information Applications.
  8. 2003, 2004, 輔仁大學學術研究獎
  9. 2003, Listed on Who's Who in the World, Published by Marquis Who's Who.
  10. 2000, Arthur N. Young Finance Award, Foundation of Friends of Soochow, Alhambra, CA. (美國加州東吳之友學術獎助)
  11. 1995,1997,1998,1999,2000, Research Award-Category A, National Science Council, Taiwan. (國科會甲種獎勵5次)



研究成果 (HOT)

January 2024
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* 1日: 中華民國開國紀念日
* 8-11日: 第1階段網路選課
* 22-24日: 第2階段網路選課


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